Companion Planting / Herbs / Planting Guides

5 Best (and 5 Worst) Plants for Sage Companion Planting

Sage companion planting can significantly enhance the growth and flavor of your sage plants. As a passionate gardener, you can create a thriving ecosystem by carefully selecting the best sage companion plants to complement this aromatic herb. 

In this article, we will explore the realm of companion planting sage while discovering which plant combinations work best and worst. By establishing a harmonious garden environment, you aid pest management, boost soil fertility, and ultimately improve the yield of your sage plants. Join us on this journey towards planting perfection!

Summary of How to Grow Sage

Sage, the aromatic herb, grows best in cool conditions and can flourish in both full sun or partial shade.

For optimal cultivation, it is recommended to use well-draining soil enriched with organic matter. 

Keep in mind that sage seeds take up to three weeks to germinate, so patience is key here! Once sprouted, it’s important to thin the plants out and give them enough space for proper growth. 

After 10-12 weeks, you may start harvesting sage leaves while ensuring that the plant has established itself first. Don’t forget regular pruning will encourage new growth and prevent legginess. 

Best Conditions for Growing Sage

Best ClimateThrives in a warm Mediterranean climate, with plenty of sunlight and well-drained soil.  Prefers temperatures 60°F-90°F (15°C -32°C) but can tolerate colder temperatures, making it suitable for a wide range of regions.
Plant Spacing24 to 36 inches (60 to 90 cms) 
Planting Depth1/8 inch (3mm) deep
Time till HarvestAround 10-12 weeks 
PositionFull-sun or part shade
Life CyclePerennial

Best Sage Companion Plants

Now that we understand sage’s growing requirements, let’s discover the best sage companion plants to enhance the growth of your sage and keep pests at bay.

broccoli growing in the garden. Broccoli makes great sage companion plants


Companion planting sage and broccoli is a great combination.

Sage repels pests like aphids and cabbage worms that commonly affect broccoli.

corn on a cob growing  in the field. corn makes great sage companion plants


Sage companion planting with corn results in a duo that complement each other perfectly!

Sage has a natural talent for repelling pests, specifically the dreaded earworm that can wreak havoc on corn crops.

Furthermore, sage’s inviting aroma acts as camouflage for corn – making it less detectable to pests and attracting pollinators that greatly help with planting success.


Companion planting sage with parsley is another perfect combo. Not only do these herbs have similar growing needs, but they also enhance each other’s flavors.

Additionally, planting parsley helps attract beneficial insects that can keep common sage pests away. This ensures your plants remain healthy while providing you with delicious herbs to use in your favorite recipes.


Sage companion planting with strawberries results in a pleasing partnership. The sage plays the role of bodyguard by warding off pests that could harm strawberry plants.

Meanwhile, strawberries use their powers as living mulch to prevent weed growth and preserve soil moisture for the benefit of the sage. This mutually beneficial relationship keeps both parties healthy and happy!

For more tips on growing strawberries, be sure to check out my guide on how to grow strawberries.

Red tomatoes hanging from a vine, ripening in the sun. Tomatoes are great for sage companion planting


Companion planting sage and tomatoes results in a dynamic duo that thrives in the garden. One reason for this is sage’s natural insect-repellent properties, which help protect tomato plants from destructive pests like hornworms and whiteflies. 

Another benefit of pairing these two plants is that sage can enhance the flavor of tomatoes for various culinary dishes.

Worst Sage Companion Plants

Next, we’ll take a closer look at plants that should not be planted near sage in your garden.


Cucumbers and sage are not compatible. This is because they have different water requirements, leading to unnecessary competition for resources if planted together. 

Additionally, the strong aroma of sage can affect the taste of cucumbers, making it better to keep them apart from each other.

basil is not good for sage companion planting


Sage and basil may be popular herbs, but they don’t make the best companions. When planted together, sage can actually hinder the growth of basil – not ideal for either plant! 

To ensure both herbs thrive separately, it’s recommended that you allocate separate growing areas to each herb.


Rue, a fragrant herb, can stunt sage’s growth due to its chemical composition in the soil.

Such chemicals alter the flavor and health of sage plants if grown together. It is best to keep these two herbs separated for optimum results.


Onions, garlic, and chives – commonly known as alliums – possess natural compounds that prevent the growth of nearby plants. Unfortunately for sage, this means they cannot be planted together. 

In order to allow your herbs to grow individually, it’s important to maintain a comfortable distance between your sage and alliums.


Sage and fennel have different soil preferences that can hinder their growth if planted together. Fennel thrives in fertile and moist soil, while sage prefers well-drained soil. 

Therefore, planting the two in close proximity creates an environment where they compete for limited resources necessary for their respective needs. Therefore, it’s best to separate them during planting to ensure optimal growing conditions.

FAQs: Sage Companion Plants

Is sage a good companion plant? 

Sage makes a great addition to any garden as it not only wards off pests, but also improves the taste of nearby plants and supports a thriving ecosystem. Its benefits are manifold, making sage a valuable companion plant.

How long does sage live? 

Sage, a perennial herb that can last for years, provides its aromatic leaves when properly taken care of. With some attention and care on your part, sage can become long-term companions of your kitchen garden.

Is it necessary to rotate sage companion plants each year? 

Crop rotation is necessary for soil health, but sage, being a perennial herb, does not need annual rotation. However, it is still important to maintain a balanced ecosystem and monitor plant health for a healthy garden.

Final Thoughts on Sage Companion Planting

Enhance the productivity and fortitude of your vegetable garden by strategically companion planting sage alongside compatible partners. A thriving ecosystem is established when sage companion planting encourages natural pest control, enriches soil fertility, and maximizes yield. By considering growth patterns, nutritional needs, and compatibility when selecting suitable sage companion plants, you can form ideal partnerships. 

So roll up your sleeves and embrace the joys of gardening as you create a harmonious environment for your sage and its companions. Happy gardening!

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Elle Reed in the vegetable gardening blog | the Potager project

About the Author

Elle Reed is a passionate gardener and advocate for teaching beginner gardeners how to grow their own food. Elle’s mission is to inspire and empower people to get back to basics, grow their own produce, and embrace a sustainable lifestyle. “Whether it’s a few herb pots in an apartment, a potager or a full garden plot, we can all ‘start somewhere’ to grow our own food, and in doing so, provide healthier food for ourselves and those we love”.